Tuesday, August 23, 2011

It's blog, it's blog, it's big, it's heavy, it's...possibly a bit egocentric

So I have finally started my blog. I'm not exactly sure I know what a blog is or isn't supposed to be, maybe that's my age showing, or maybe just my ignorance. Regardless, I'm gonna give it a shot. I figure, I like to write and desparately need a vehicle for self-expression, so why not.

Now the question is, what should I write about? I originally began thinking about blogging after a two-day long political rant on Facebook made me realize I needed an alternate platform for such things. However, after careful consideration I determined that talking about politics every day could potentially crush my already fragile soul, so that idea went out the window.

As I continued asking myself if blogging was something I really even wanted to do, or just sounded good at the time, I realized...I used to be creative.

Somewhere along the road, of working dead end jobs, struggling with relationships, dealing with bouts of anxiety and depression, and being surrounded by rural conservatives for the better part of the last decade, I lost track of myself. I want, scratch that, I need to find the desire and confidence for self expression I once had. And I'm hoping this blog can help.

Although it remains to be seen whether this excercise will prove therapeutic or simply mental masturbation, I think I'll just go with the flow and worry about where the path is taking me when I get there. Something I haven't done in years.

If you've decided to come along for the ride, I am forever grateful, as an audience is essential for this experiment. However, I cannot promise it won't get bumpy at times, and I can't promise it will be always be exciting. But what I can and will ensure is that it will  be perpetually honest.


  1. Honesty is good, and I bet you'll find blogging therapeutic. I sure do! Welcome to this great world of getting it all out there, baring (and often, freeing) your soul!!

  2. Hey! Thanks for the support. I'm very much looking forward to this experience now that I've gotten off of my lazy duff and actually started it :)
